Internet / World Wide Web
In the late 1960s, Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf started the design of the internet. The internet is distributed packet-switched network which connects computers around the world. The internet was a result of a project called ARPANET which was supposed to be a defence project for the government. Today the internet is used to connect people no matter their location. The World Wide Web is a service on the internet to search and share data. Tim Berners-Lee created the world wide web in 1989. This service was created to meet the demand for sharing information between institutions, professors and scientists. Now the www is used for searching for any information you need. We use the internet by building on top of the services such as www and emailing. The web and the internet are two different things that are usually said interchangeably but in reality, they are different. The internet is a network of machinery that grants you access to the web. The internet contains the web while the we...