Artist Statement: I decided to create my calligram a hand because for me it means to calm down. As we are growing up, time goes by so fast, which is the whole meaning behind my hand. With this project, I wanted to let people know that it is ok to stop sometimes and relax. People need to enjoy every second of life so when something is not going your way, just stop and relax. As I create this piece of art, memories come up of when I was younger and stressing over things that did not matter 6 months later. Life is so fast that people need to do what makes them excited and happy with life. As I grow older, I understand that life is hard and difficult but I want this piece of art to let me know that not everything is going to go your way, so relax. My Letter: Dear Bexhet or Jon or whatever your name will be, Before we start, I hope that you never forgot where you came from and your goal. You ...